

The Language of Dreams has its roots in what Carl Jung called the “collective consciousness”, but what mystics throughout centuries describe as the Realm of Spirit.

Weaving together the imagery, archetypes, events, symbolism, and metaphor revealed to you by your Soul Group and Higher Self, Gizelle Luccio uses her intuitive abilities to interpret your visions.

Much in the same way that she journey’s with your teachers, guides, angels, and ancestors during a conscious Intuitive Life Reading, she is able to access the flow of information offered to you during your slumber.

Unlike standard dream interpretation methodology (including conventional Jungian archetypes or mythological analysis) to decode your Dreams or Visions, DreamWorld sessions offered through Gizelle Luccio are personal to you.

The characters, story, events, and imagery expressed by your Soul or Higher Self, including the specific language used by your Guides (including shades of movement, light, scenery, and emotional tones), all coalesce to provide nuances of meaning that create a far richer opportunity for learning than can be offered by a mere intellectual interpretation.

You begin the process by relaying the dream as you experienced it. It is important to prepare for your DreamWorld session in advance by writing out in detail what occurred; be sure to not color your Soul’s vision with any mental thought or interpretations, simply describe what you recall.

Then, during our session you’ll be asked to read the narrative – pausing occasionally as your Guides disclose segment by segment the underlying message contained in your ‘download’ Then you’ll be asked to resume sharing your vision.

You are free to ask clarifying questions once the DreamWorld session is complete. Depending on the length and complexity of the dream, it may be possible to explore two dreams within a 60 minute session.

To begin your journey into DreamWorld, please go to: Book a Session, or Contact if you have additional questions and want to connect with Gizelle directly.

“Consciousness is a clear place in Gabrielle’s Life. She reads from the Soul Records, has the Joy to Love all she is doing and is a blessing in each readings Life. … Touchstones and Keys of Golden Light will open up for each person — the offerings will be bright and core for each person you sit with.”

Angela G. 

Talent, OR

“Although I have long been aware of your gifts of practical insight and communication, I was quite pleasantly surprised at how well you are able to apply both to intuitive vision.

Your perceptions rang true and the metaphors that evolved during our session carried meaning to a deep personal level. Your artful mastery of our language (aside from being really impressive) was especially compelling–I was absorbed as if under the spell of a gifted storyteller.

I look forward to the opportunity for further exploration!”

David G.

Ashland OR

“My session with Gabrielle was eye-opening in a number of ways. After our session I made a decision to spend more time paying attention to details in my life and looking at the connections between things.

Her vision for me was so clear and involved imagery that I could relate to and felt comfortable with. I now am clearer about the events in my life and how they connect with one another. I can see my life from a larger perspective.

I realize that my life is beautiful but there are intersections and angles within in it that I need to pay more attention to. I need more time for me. Gabrielle made me feel comfortable.

I felt safe with her and gained a lot from the reading.”

Lucie S.

Ashland OR

Contact Me

Please let me know how I may support you as you move along your Path.

(541) 944 0748

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