Spiritual Guidance
Connect with the spiritual purpose of your life, develop the tools and resources to expand your Soul’s healing, and become empowered. Discover the great beauty in transforming your Self and your Life in the midst of any circumstance.
The various services offered through Soul Navigation cover a lot of ground, addressing many levels of awareness and opportunities for change. But for many individuals, these become the prelude for a deeper exploration.
Spiritual Mentoring
Spiritual Mentoring is offered for to folks who desire a follow-up conversation about how to work with the guidance that they have received from their Soul Group/Higher Self.
The focus of these mentoring sessions is to facilitate you in implementing these changes, as well as sit with any resistance that may bubble up as part of the transformation process.
To continue your journey through Spiritual Mentoring, please book a session through: Book a Session, or send an email to Gizelle via the Contact page, if you have additional questions about the process.
Self-Awareness Counseling
is designed for those individuals who desire to have an on-going deeper dive into their Soul Journey.
Participating in Self-Awarenes Counseling will allow you to experience barriers to responsible self-expression, enable you to resolve core issues/beliefs, and remove limitations that block you from your true Self.
Gizelle Luccio guides individuals to become more fully aware of their true intentions in life. Through clear and compassionate inquiry, you will learn how to be present to what you are deeply feeling emotionally, and thus go beyond expectations rooted in social identities.
By practicing being present (with yourself and others), it is possible to remove barriers to responsible self-expression, and enable you to resolve core issues/beliefs and remove limitations that block you from your true Self. The goal of this counseling is to become fully alive by taking responsibility for your choices, and in freedom, to make new choices that will allow you to grow into your highest possibilities.
Note: Self-Awareness Counseling is a service separate from readings offered through Soul Leadings; however, you may request a reading at any point during the Spiritual Counseling relationship. In addition to graduating from seminary with a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling, Gizelle Luccio is a certified addictions counselor and is a qualified mental health provider in the state of Oregon, with over 35 years of clinical experience.
To begin Self-Awareness Counseling, please click on: Book a Session, or Contact if if you have additional questions about the process.
Contact Me
Please let me know how I may support you as you move along your Path.