A Gift Session For Someone
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face-to-face services limited.
45 minutes – $108 – $124
60 minutes – $144 – $165
90 minutes – $216 – $248
Intuitive Life Readings allow your Soul Group/Guides to shine the light on specific dynamics that will enhance your ability to move toward your Soul’s Conscious Evolution. Gizelle accesses the inner landscape of one’s Soul, revealing what is captured and relayed to her through an Akashic Soul Connection. Your Soul Group will weave together your current life and alternate life experiences, expand your consciousness, and focus on what (‘story’) best illuminates the pivotal “here, then & now” intersection for growth.
DreamWorld -- Unlike using dream interpretations books or applying conventional Jungian archetypes or mythological analysis to decipher your visions or ‘downloads’, Dream Interpretations offered through Gizelle are personal to you – providing individualized understanding of all aspects of the vision, and what underlying meanings or nuances are being transmitted by your Guides/Soul Group.
Sacred Encounters -- Discover your Soul Group’s messages in day-to-day life: Sacred Encounters are moments when random acts become sacred acts – Gizelle is able to translate these seeming coincidences into waking encounters with your Soul’s Purpose.
Spiritual Mentoring builds on the teachings provided through Soul Navigation. Often people desire a follow-up conversation about how to work with the guidance that they have received. Intuitive Life Readings cover a lot of ground, addressing many levels of awareness and opportunities for change.
Self-Awareness Counseling sessions are available for those individuals who lack a spiritual support system or a mentor, counselor, or guide to help integrate your Soul Group’s suggestions into your life. Through clear and compassionate inquiry, you will learn how to be present to what you are deeply feeling emotionally, and thus go beyond expectations rooted in social identities to remove limitations that block you from your true Self.
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