Sacred Encounters
Have you ever had a profound experience, knowing that you were forever changed, but couldn’t explain it? Perhaps you’ve wondered what the ‘message’ meant or if there was something ‘more’ you were meant to learn?
Sacred Encounters are undeniable experiences in this ‘reality’, experiences that can’t be explained (nor created) by our ego-mind. Instead they hold a numinous quality that glows in our memories and within our Being — containing a life and light of their own.
When a random act became a sacred act – expanding an “ordinary” coincidence into a Kairos moment—a waking encounter occurs that reveals your Soul’s Purpose in daily life. It is tempting to try to secure understanding with our conscious, ego mind — to analyze the connections and metaphors imbedded within seeming coincidental experience.

Such encounters or interactions with others give us an opportunity to see ourselves as we are (not as we intend).
Thus, we become open to the possibility that fellow travelers are merely reflections, projections, and mirrors that reveal what is hidden about ourselves to ourselves.
Take this foundation a step deeper and embrace the Truth that all of our external experiences perfectly mirror the reality of our inner state or Being. With this understanding, Gizelle Luccio joins with your Soul Group to slip into the stream of your Life.
Using an intuitive (claircognizant) process, she serves as a bridge between your Sacred Encounter experience and your Soul Group’s council.
If you’ve ever wondered: “What was the Universe trying to tell me?” Begin your journey into Sacred Encounters, by going to: Book a Session, or Contact if you have additional questions and want to connect with Gizelle directly.
Contact Me
Please let me know how I may support you as you move along your Path.