Gizelle Luccio

(formerly Gabrielle Adele … read on)

Gratefully works with the Gifts of Clairvoyance (seeing), Clairaudience (hearing), Clairsentience (feeling), and Claircognizance (knowing).

Grace allows Gizelle to access higher dimensions (including the Akashic Records) to help you connect with the clearest path to your own ‘inner knowing’.  Each person has a unique personal purpose – a calling or leading that can be explored by connecting with your Soul Group (i.e., guides, teachers, ancestors, and Divine beings).  Consciously seeking support and guidance allows you to grow in trust, to step out in faith, and thus become empowered to bring your Purpose into Being.

Over the years Gizelle’s Intuitive Wisdom has coalesced into Intuitive Life Readings, Past Life Readings, Dreamtime, Sacred Encounters, and Animal Mediumship .  Her work is best described as a Vision Quest journeyed on the inner plane of the Soul. The result expands one’s awareness of our inner landscape and offers visual, metaphorical, and practical guidance for spiritual & emotional well-being.

As a clear and compassionate channel, she puts people at ease with her calm voice and warm manner. Her passion and commitment to Spirit led her to seminary over 35 years ago, fueled by a desire to blend clinical and spiritual support for those seeking healing and empowerment. Her work is distinguished by a sense of presence and intuitive guidance that originates beyond her intellectual knowledge.

Through the process of Soul Leadings she connects with your Soul Group (Spirit Guides) . Your Guides are always present within and around you, continuously preparing and revealing the next steps on your life journey. You may come with an idea of what you want to hear, however, Gizelle will begin by telling you what your Guides want you to know.

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