Love is a puzzling word – we have so many associations in our culture with Love, and by virtue of those associations, many limitations that are placed on that word.  If we lived in another country (say Italy, France, Spain, or Latin America) we would discover that within those other romance languages so many other experiences and expressions of Love are embedded within the language that go beyond ‘amore’.

It is often stated that Love is All There Is – that when we pass on that all we take with us is the Loving that we’ve given or the Love that we’ve received.  But what does that mean exactly?  And how do we know whether or not our Love is enough?  If we take the Loving with us, were we good at it?  If we take the Love we received, did we cut ourselves short, deny ourselves or block ourselves somehow from being able to receive fully what others offered or even what God desired for us?

How much time and energy did we devote to becoming (or being) a Loving Person?  Or was most of our effort devoted to working, doing, achieving, striving, or providing for?  Were we aware of being surrounded, embraced, supported by the continuous presence of Love or Loving expression in every second, of every minute, of every day?

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