by Gizelle | Sep 30, 2019 | Following Our Heart, Gratitude & Joy, Growth/Self-Love
Every time one of us pays attention to the Spirit of Love & Joy, we enter a new destination into our internal GPS. Once entered, we open ourselves to a continuous flow of course corrections from Spirit. Similar to when we key in an unknown destination into our...
by Gizelle | Sep 23, 2019 | Gratitude & Joy, Love -- The Alpha & Omega, Relationships
When you perform work from the center of JOY (which has a high resonance), the effort that you put out will lift people up. If you do meaningful work, but it isn’t from a place of JOY it isn’t as transformative. So by doing JOY, by being in JOY, you are not only...
by Gizelle | Feb 11, 2018 | Gratitude & Joy, Spirit/Oneness
Recently I had an experience with my newest kitty, Aurora, who has been in a very lovey mode – she can’t get enough of the cashmere sweater that I’ve been wearing on these cold days. She hops into my lap and buries her nose deep in the pit of my elbow or into my side...
by Gizelle | Sep 10, 2017 | Gratitude & Joy, Spirit/Oneness
On the days my glass is ‘half-full” I go away and I doubt God. And when I can’t doubt God, I doubt myself. And depending on my mood, I can stay in this zone for an hour, a day, a week and lose myself completely in this spiral. Examining: “How did I let...