As The Guillotine Drops

I woke up this morning in a bit of a slump, nothing serious, just ‘ho hum’.  On the heels of ‘ho hum’ I realized that I’ve carried a fantasy (for more years then I’d like to admit) that I hoped one day to become a great writer.  Hot on the heels of this thought was...

Simple vs. Ordinary

I recently came out of a flat period in my life, not depression exactly (but easily mistaken for such), more of a sense of 2-D detachment to my days.  At first I wondered if I was resisting the ordinary flow of my life:  wake-up, tasks, work, sleep, sprinkled with a...
A Case of Mistaken Identity

A Case of Mistaken Identity

It is possible, nigh probable, that what we experience as the “fear of the Unknown” is really a case of mistaken identity. Some stalwart souls attempt to see such a fear from the ‘glass is half full’ perspective, reframing it to be the Great Mystery, the Unknown or...
Fish As Teachers

Fish As Teachers

Every particle of our being is saturated with Life Force Energy.  Much like fish that draw water through their gills, deriving the oxygen they need from the water, flushing out what they don’t need through bubbles, we are surrounded and embodied with Conscious...

Would I rather be RIGHT or Serene?

I had a mentor ask me this question about 30 years ago, and I’ve never forgotten it!  Of course I wanted to be RIGHT!  I had to be RIGHT, my life (so my ego thought) depended on being RIGHT!  I was terrified of being wrong, of making a mistake, of being found out. ...
The Disappearing!

The Disappearing!

It is a mistake to think that the purpose of being on a Spiritual Path is to “disappear the ego’.  As long as one is in a human form, there is a purpose for having an ego, having a personality, a physical expression of our deeper Soul Light.  So setting one’s heart...
Have vs. Have Not

Have vs. Have Not

An ex-partner once said to me that I had what it took (whatever THAT means) to have been wildly successful, and rich — the brilliance, creativity, etc.  Then he followed up with:  “So why aren’t you?” I was offended, not complimented – it was...
Trust Your Journey

Trust Your Journey

Remember that “Ruach” means Breath of Life/Spirit — and that Ruach surrounds your very Being, the gentle caress of the air against your skin, the breath moving in and out of your nostrils as you sit in meditation. Fall into the pool of sorrow and...
There is Life Out There

There is Life Out There

Took a beautiful walk today out to a point that granted an almost 360 degree view of beaches and ocean, with a forest behind me. Up a gentle slope up-hill through a glade, then into the forest of trees, past an abandoned house.  Then on through a canopy of trees,...
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